Supporting internal communications at West Midlands Metro
MML was awarded a 15 year operations and maintenance contract for the Metro system in the West Midlands in June 2018 and we have been working to help design and develop a number of internal communications initiatives.

One of the key challenges facing the HR team was the need to engage employees with the new company Vision and Values, as well as ongoing communications across a largely non-desked workforce.
To encourage adoption and trial of a new employee engagement app developed by Engage Solutions Group, we created a tram character called MyA (stands for My App).

MyA graphics were incorporated into the app itself and MyA appeared in materials around the organisation to build awareness.

We also created guidelines and communications collateral to promote how the smart new staff uniform should be worn, aiming to encourage a high level of compliance across the workforce.
This commitment to effective internal communications will stand West Midlands Metro in good stead going forward as the network and the size of the organisation continues to expand.